Saturday 20 April 2013

Sir Viv Richards joins Delhi as advisor..........

The beleaguered Delhi outfit on Saturday a got a pep talk from legendary Sir Vivian Richards as the legendary West Indian batsman joined the franchise in the role of an ambassador as well as advisor. 

"I am looking forward to working with the Delhi this season," Richards said after his maiden interaction with the team which has lost six straight matches. 

"I know the team has many players of proven quality and others who have immense talent and hunger to succeed at this level and higher. It will be a great experience for me to be their sounding board and inspire them to deliver quality performances." 

GMR Sports chairman Kiran K Grandhi said the decision to rope in Sir Viv was in keeping with the policy to give the squad the best support it can possibly get. 

"As owners of the Delhi team, we have always got together the best support staff. I'm sure our fans will also be very excited that Sir Viv is with the squad." 

"There are a number of youngsters in the squad who can make the most of the opportunity to interact with Viv and evolve as cricketers. He was keen to be with the team at the start of the season but he had prior commitments and could join us only now," Mentor TA Sekar stated. 

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