Sunday 21 April 2013

Hrithik Roshan desperate to work with Kareena Kapoor?........

Hrithik Roshan desperate to work with Kareena Kapoor?
New Delhi: Hrithik Roshan – who was rumoured to have dated Kareena Kapoor right before Subhash Ghai’s ‘Yaadein’ hit the theatres – is keen to work with the actress yet again.

Reportedly, during an interview, when asked if Kareena would share screen space with him in Karan Johar’s ‘Shuddhi’, Hrithik said, “Love love love to work with Kareena Kapoor”.

The two actors have earlier shared sizzling hot chemistry in ‘Yaadein’, ‘Kabhi khushi kabhi Gham’, ‘Main Prem Ki Deewani Hoon’ and ‘Mujhse Dosti Karoge’. And it would be interesting to see if they can recreate the same magic once again in ‘Shuddhi’.

Justin Bieber`s `forgotten` grandfather reaches out .........

Justin Bieber`s `forgotten` grandfather reaches out
London: Justin Bieber`s grandfather has revealed he is living in near poverty and has received no support from his pop superstar grandson despite his huge wealth.

George, 61, cannot work because of a painful back problem and he said he and his wife Kathy, Bieber`s step-grandmother, have received no support from the `Baby` hitmaker, reported Sun online.

The lack of help comes despite Bieber`s grandparents having very limited income and living in difficult conditions.

"Justin has just got too big for his britches. He never calls us and now I sometimes think he doesn`t care. He seems to be getting caught up in this lavish lifestyle and has forgotten us," George said.

As his grandparents continue to struggle, the 19-year-old pop star recently endured a difficult and controversial UK trip including a confrontation with a photographer and turning up two hours late for a show.

"When I hear about his recent behaviour I just wonder who on earth is looking after him as, believe me, this is not the loving little boy we always knew. It`s like we now live on different planets," he added.

And Bieber is apparently able to help his maternal grandmother and her second husband, which upsets George.

"For them nothing seems to be too much trouble. He buys them new houses, cars, luxury holidays - anything they want. But for us - nothing.

"I would love a new house as now I cannot even make it upstairs, my back is so bad. But I guess that is not on the cards for us," George said.

George said that their situation is becoming `desperate` and he can`t grasp the level of wealth his grandson now enjoys.

"Justin might be worth 70 million pounds but we certainly have never seen a penny of it. It does make me sad, as right now our life is pretty desperate. It`s had to imagine the money Justin has, as it`s about as far removed from our life as you could get," he said. 

Life did exist before Earth, claim scientists.........

Newly found Earth-like planets ideal search for alien life
Washington: Two super-Earth planets, which had been discovered by NASA's Kepler mission along with a new planetary system that is home to five small planets around a slightly smaller star than the Sun, may sustain life after all. 

Both the planets, most likely made of rock or ice mixed with rock, are located in the habitable zone of their host star. This discovery is providing a target for the SETI search, since if life has thrived on these worlds and reached a point where civilization has developed complex technology, it may be detectable. 

When the NASA Kepler mission was launched on March 9, 2007, the Delta II rocket was carrying the hope of a large community of scientists who dedicate their work to studying extra-solar planets, planets in orbit around other stars. 

The Kepler mission's main scientific objective is exploration of the structure and diversity of planetary systems. It accomplishes this goal by staring almost constantly at a large field composed of about 150,000 stars to detect small dips in brightness due to the transits of a planet. 

Kepler has already been a successful NASA mission with the discovery of 2,740 planet candidates with estimated sizes from Mercury to larger than Jupiter. 

A fifth of these planet candidates are also called "super-Earths," a new class of planets, without analog in our solar system, with a radius between 1.25 to 2 times the radius of our planet. 

The Kepler team announced the discovery of a multiple planet system, composed of 5 Earth-sized and super-Earth planets orbiting a K-type star. 

The detection of these planets was indirect since Kepler astronomers observed the attenuation of the host star's brightness due to the passage of a planet in the line of sight, and not the planets themselves. 

The authenticity of this multiple planet system was confirmed by a statistical analysis based on previous detections of multiple planets by Kepler. 

"By estimating the rate of false-positives due the remote possibility of additional planet-hosting stars in the photometric aperture we have strong confidence that we have discovered two genuine transiting super-Earth planets in the habitable zone of their host star," Jason Rowe, Research Scientist at the Carl Sagan Center of the SETI Institute and co-author of the work said. 

The outermost planet, named Kepler-62f (radius about 1.4 times Earth's radius and a period of 267 Earth days) is located in the habitable zone of the star, a region around the star where a rocky planet with an atmosphere similar to Earth could host liquid water on its surface. 

The team expanded the definition of the Habitable Zone by taking into account the evolution of the brightness of the host star. Their calculations suggest that Kepler-62e (radius about 1.6 times Earth's radius and a period of 122 Earth days) was also in the habitable zone so that liquid water could have existed on its surface, too. 

Similar to Venus and Mars that are believed to have lost their surface water 1 billion years and 3.8 billion years ago respectively, before our Sun was more luminous, the host star's habitable zone was broader in the past. 

The findings are published in Science magazine. 

Lyrids meteor showers to be visible post midnight today.........

Lyrids meteor showers to be visible post midnight today
New Delhi: A celestial treat is in store for stargazers who can look forward to see fireworks in the form of meteor showers after midnight on Sunday. 

The shooting stars will start at 12.30 am and peak between 3 am to 5 am. Commonly known as Lyrids meteor showers, they will be visible from the entire northern hemisphere in the constellation of Lyra. "The best time to watch the shooting stars is between 3 am to 5 am tomorrow," SPACE Director CB Devgun said, adding the phenomena can be observed in the northeast to northern directions in the sky. 

Observers can expect to see up to 20 "shooting stars" per hour -- an average of one every three minutes -- at the peak, he said. 

However, only brightest of the meteors will be seen as an 85-percent bright Moon may obscure some of the shooting stars. 

The meteors have their origin from the Comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher. The velocity of particles entering the Earth would be 49 km/sec, N Raghunandan Kumar, Secretary of Planetary Society of India said. 

Sanjay Dutt files review petition in SC .........

Sanjay Dutt files review petition in SC
Mumbai: Sanjay Dutt – who was recently granted a four week extension by the Supreme Court to surrender – has now moved the highest court in the country by filing a review petition against its March 21 judgment sentencing him to five years in jail.

According to a leading daily, a Delhi-based legal team prepared and filed the petition on Friday to review a binding decision of the Supreme Court based on an obvious error in a decision sought to be analysed. 

A review petition has to be filed within 30 days of the date of judgement, and according to what one of his lawyers said, the matter would be heard next week. 

However, while giving the actor a four-week extension to surrender, the Supreme Court had made it clear that it would grant him no further time. 

In the past, the Supreme Court had not interfered with the TADA (Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention)) court`s guilty verdict against the 53-year-old for possession of arms before Mumbai serial blasts in 1993. Even though he was held guilty under the Arms Act for possessing an automatic rifle in a notified area, he was later acquitted under the TADA Act, which had also been invoked against him.

Dutt – who has seven films on the floor in various stages of completion – has filed the petition to review the three-judge bench ruling in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, which held that a confession under TADA would be valid even elsewhere and which the SC had relied on in the 1993 blasts case against him, must be reconsidered.

Boston bombing suspect can't talk due to throat injury: Official.........

Boston: Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev remained in serious condition in hospital unable to answer questions on the devastating attack, officials said. 

Investigators released stunning images of Tsarnaev's final moments of freedom, slumbering wounded in a boat in a suburban backyard. They are also stepping up inquiries into a trip to Muslim regions of Russia taken by his accomplice brother. 

The 19-year-old is "serious but stable", Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick told reporters. "I think not able to communicate yet." 

CNN and other media said he had suffered a throat wound during his cavalcade which ended late Friday after a massive manhunt in which 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed. 

The siblings were the main suspects in the double bomb attack on the Boston marathon which killed three people injured about 180. A policeman was killed and another was left fighting for his life after gunbattles during the hunt. 

Patrick said he hopes the teenager survives. "We have a million questions and those questions need to be answered," he added. 

Tsarnaev was under armed guard at a hospital where some victims of the bombings are also being treated. Counter-terrorism agents trained in interrogating "high-value" detainees were waiting to question him, a law official told AFP. 

Prosecutors were also at the Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Cambridge, just outside Boston, working out charges. 

Media reports say authorities did not read Tsarnaev his normal rights to see a lawyer or stay when he was captured, invoking a special exception for security reasons. 

That has left US authorities facing tough decisions over how to handle the investigation and any trial. 

Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham have led calls for the teenager to be declared an "enemy combatant," which would give him the same status as Guantanamo "war on terror" detainees. 

Legal rights groups have been quick to insist that he face a criminal trial, even though Tsarnaev would be likely to face a death penalty calls. The Tsarnaev family are ethnic Chechens who moved to the United States from the former Soviet state of Kyrgyzstan around 2002. 

Media reports say Tamerlan Tsarnaev had become a fervent Muslim in recent years. Much focus is now being put on a six month trip he paid to the Russian region of Dagestan last year. 

US President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed during telephone talks Saturday to step up cooperation against terror, particularly after the Boston case, the Kremlin and White House said. 

"Both sides underscored their interest in bolstering the close cooperation of Russian and US special services in the fight against international terrorism," the Kremlin said in a statement. 

The FBI acknowledged on Friday that an unnamed foreign government, reportedly Russia, asked for information about Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011. The FBI interviewed the man but said it had found no "derogatory" information. 

Obama has acknowledged the "many unanswered questions" about the case after the capture of the teenager. 

"Among them, why did young men who grew up and studied here as part of our communities and our country resort to such violence? How did they plan and carry out these attacks? And did they receive help?" he asked. 

The men's social media pages appeared to express sympathy with the struggle in Chechnya, which has been ravaged by two wars since 1994 between Russia and Islamist-leaning separatist rebels. 

The teenager, who only became a US citizen last year, was caught after a man saw blood on a boat he kept in his backyard in Watertown in the Boston suburbs. He lifted the cover and saw the teenager curled up inside amid more blood, police said. 

The University of Massachusetts student was surrounded for a showdown that included a final gunbattle before Tsarnaev gave up to FBI agents. 

Thermal images taken by a police helicopter overhead showed Tsarnaev slumbering in the covered boat. They also showed a robotic arm reaching to lift the cover so cameras could look inside. 

Police say the pair killed one officer and wounded another as they fled, hurling home-made bombs at their hunters. 

Tamerlan Tsarnaev died in one gunbattle. His brother was also hit but escaped. Watertown police chief Edward Deveau said the pair had at least six bombs with them when being chased and that Dzhokhar had driven over his brother as he escaped. 

Fifty-eight of the victims from the bomb attack are still in Boston hospitals with three in critical condition. 

Narendra Modi to address CII?........

New Delhi: After hosting Congress leader Rahul Gandhi early this month, CII on Sunday said the chamber is willing to invite Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi for interaction. 

"We have worked with Modi in the 'Vibrant Gujarat' meet. CII was one of the sponsors. So, we will," CII President Kris Gopalakrishnan said when asked whether the industry body will invite the Gujarat Chief Minister who is seen as the Prime Ministerial candidate of the BJP. 

"We (CII) will work with all parties and all leaders. We are looking to invite all prominent leaders," Gopalakrishnan said in an interview to a news agency. 

Gandhi had addressed business leaders at CII's annual general meeting on April 4. In his widely publicised speech, he spoke about a host of issues concerning the industry and the nation. 

Within days of Gandhi's address, Modi used the platform of another chamber FICCI in his bid to reach out to audiences nationwide and also took a dig at Gandhi. 

The industry body, Gopalakrishnan said, has to engage with the political leadership and convey its requirement to them. 

"We have to engage with the leaders. We have to convey our request and requirements to the political leadership. We have to give our suggestions. Similarly, we need to listen to them, they have their own priorities, they have their own agenda," he said. 

"...This dialogue is very important across all parties and not just one party and we are hoping that we will have more interactions where we can interact on one-on-one basis and at public fora like we had," the newly elected President added. 


Akon's full name is Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam


Mini flying robot has been unveiled by Seiko Epson in Japan.

The micro flyer is the new version of the robot by the Japanese technology firm that wowed crowds 
last year.

Weighing in at 12.3g, the FR-II is wireless, has Bluetooth and its own battery on board, unlike its precursor, and takes and sends images

The micro flying robot includes :

136mm wide, 85mm tall, 12.3g in weight
Two ultra-thin ultrasonic motors propelling in opposite directions
32 bit microcontroller
Tiny gyro-sensor
Battery pack on board
Digital camera
Remote controlled
Two LED lamps

for more details visit


With Yesterday's win at the Eden Gardens , MS Dhoni became the first captain to win 75 matches in T20 Format!..

Who is she ????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......

Who is she ????

MY DEAR ONES , Look at this lady closely. She is one of the richest Indians, and has millions of fans all over the world!

Answer ... "SHE" IS NONE OTHER THAN SACHIN TENDULKAR in College Fancy Dress Competition.