Tuesday, 19 March 2013

20 of the Best Dog Breeds for Homes with Small Children...

If you have a family that includes small children, you may want to look into which breeds are generally best around kids. Here are twenty of the best dog breeds. It should be said that breed alone does not determine if a dog is the right choice for your household. All dogs are individuals and breeding is just one ingredient that shapes the animal's temperament.
In most cases beagles are very good with children. They love to interact with people, and children are especially fun. These dogs tend to be gentle, like rough housing, and enjoy playing ball. A beagle is small and unthreatening for the most part, yet it is also sturdy and ready to play so the rough nature of children won't be a big issue here. It is important however to say that beagles don't like to be disturbed when eating.
Beagle image
American Bulldog 
These dogs aren't extremely timid, shy or aggressive towards people. The American Bulldog is brave and determined but not hostile. These dogs normally love children, and is known for acts of heroism towards its owners. They have strong protective instincts, and because of this they can be well-socialized and trained at an early age. Some of these dogs may be aggressive with other dogs and reserved with strangers. American Bulldogs do tend to drool and slobber however.
Eskimo Dog 
The American Eskimo Dog is a loving breed. They are well built and playful, and this makes for a good family dog. This breed is also known to be intelligent, alert, easy to train, and eager to please. The Eskimo Dog is naturally cautious around stranger, but once the stranger is introduced and around the dog for a time the Eskimo will take easily to them. These dogs need plenty of attention and they also love to bark. It is important to socialize an Eskimo Dog when they are young to avoid any aggressive tendencies.
The American Foxhound is a sweet, loving, gentle dog and is also great with children. They get along with other dogs as well since they have a "pack-hunting" background. This breed can be difficult to housebreak, and will often take off after an interesting scent. They have a melodious bark, and love using it. This breed doesn't normally make for a good house pet.
The Mastiff loves children and they are usually quite devoted to their owners. They are quiet, calm, loving, and loyal. Mastiffs are protective but not aggressive. They can be aggressive when their owners or the family children are threatened however. They make great guard dogs. The American Mastiff and the English Mastiff are very similar when it comes to looks and disposition, but the American breed has a dryer mouth.
Bearded Collie
The Bearded Collie is a bouncy breed. These dogs are extremely playful and lively, the perfect dog for kids. Females will be calmer and more submissive than males. Bearded Collies are high-energy dogs. These dogs need to be with people and not left alone for long without anything to entertain them. They are very trainable but obedience training is often needed since these dogs are headstrong animals. They are noisy barkers but not watch dogs.
Bernese Mountain Dog 
These dogs' love children. They are gentle, cheerful, very intelligent, easy to train, loyal, self-confident and good natured. They aren't overly aggressive. These animals are natural watchdogs, fairly friendly with strangers, good with other pets, and slow to mature. They remain "puppy-like" for some time. The Bernese needs to be around people, and they should be trained gently since they are sensitive creatures.
These dogs are mild-manners and extremely lovable. Bloodhounds will actually allow children to crawl all over them without a protest. It is important to watch children because of this attribute, since the dog will let the unfair treatment go on and he or she could be hurt as a result. These dogs are very energetic outdoors, and they need firm but gentle training. With respect to obedience, these dogs are extremely willful and will make their own choices rather than follow your rules. Some bloodhounds can be shy, but they become extremely devoted to their owners and get along well with other people. They are rarely vicious, and they get along well with other pets as well. Bloodhound will howl, snore, and drool. These dogs might also sniff inappropriately or wander off when they smell something interesting. They follow any scent, and for this reason bloodhounds have been used worldwide for criminal searches and rescue efforts. These dogs should never be kept in an unfenced yard since instinct will have them wandering off.
Boston Terrier
The Boston Terrier is very gentle, alert, intelligent and well-mannered. They can be rambunctious, and many have a sense of humor. They like to learn and pick up things quickly which makes training easy. This breed is normally playful and very affectionate as well. The Boston Terrier is normally okay with other pets, but they can be hard to housebreak.
This breed is happy, playful, curious, intelligent, energetic, and eager and quick to learn. On the down side this dog can also be stubborn and sneaky. They are loyal dogs that get along well with children. It is in the Boxer's nature to protect, they love to jump, and they need plenty of human contact. These dogs make great guard dogs.
English Bulldog 
The English Bulldog is one of the gentlest dogs out there. It is also a great dog in warding off intruders. These dogs are affectionate, dependable, gentle, and courageous. English Bulldogs are attention seekers as well and they need a lot of attention to be happy. These dogs are energetic when young, but slow down with age. They also snore, drool and slobber.
The Collie is extremely intelligent, sensitive, sweet, loyal and easy to train. This is the breed you saw in Lassie. Collies are very devoted, friendly, good-natured and protective. For the most part they are playful and gentle, a great dog for kids. Puppies will sometimes nip at your heels, but will housetrain quickly. Collies are not aggressive creatures, but they are suspicious of people they dislike.
Field Spaniel
This dog is very independent, mild mannered, affectionate, smart and playful. Field Spaniels are also quite active, and make an excellent pet when they get enough exercise. If play is too rough however the dog may withdraw. In general, they are calm dogs. It has also been said that Field Spaniels have a tendency to become attached to one family member and ignore others. This dog should not be locked up in a kennel and needs regular contact with people.
Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever is lovable, well-mannered, intelligent, easily trained, patient, and gentle. They are also loyal, active and eager to please. These dogs are friendly towards everyone in most instances so they don't have much of a guarding instinct. They won't attack an intruder, but they will signal their approach. These dogs need to be around people, and when left alone can get into trouble.
Great Dane 
Though this dog is huge, it is also gentle. The Great Dane is sweet, playful and patient towards children. They generally love everyone and need to be around people. Great Danes do not bark much and do not become aggressive often. They are good watch dogs, but they should be trained when young so that their size is manageable. They can be difficult to train and aggressive towards other dogs however.
Labrador Retriever
A loving, intelligent, patient, loyal, willing, and happy dog, that is good-natured and loves to play. They are friendly towards people and mesh well with other dogs. Labs are easily trained, are good watchdogs (not guard dogs), and can be destructive if left alone. These are very popular dogs and they are also very talented. Labs are a bit more dominant than Golden Retrievers.
This dog has a great temperament. It is courageous, intelligent, and generous. It is said to be "human-like." Newfoundland's are patient, noble, gentle, loyal, and sweet with a slow-moving body. Often times they become extremely attached to their owners and can't adapt to a new home. This dog is very sociable and a good guard dog. This breed also drinks a lot of water and can be messy, drooling somewhat and getting wet in general. They can also be difficult to train.
Old English Sheepdog 
This dog has been described as gentle, loving, affectionate, friendly and intelligent. They are also faithful and protective of their owners. Since this dog has a herding instinct, they may bump (not nip) the children but this is normally not a concern. This breed loves children. They love to play and will stick close to home. The Old English Sheepdog makes a good coach potato too. These dogs will need a lot of grooming to keep the coat in shape.
Saint Bernard
This large, slow moving dog is also quite gentle, friendly, patient and obedient. They are also very tolerant of children. Saint Bernard's want to please and are intelligent, which makes training easy. This dog is also a great watch dog. They will drool a good bit after they eat or drink.
Standard Poodle
Poodles are intelligent dogs that are easily trained. They are happy, sensitive, good-natured, elegant dogs. The Standard Poodle is normally calmer than the smaller types, and they also dislike being along. These dogs are relatively inactive indoors, so a small living space isn't a problem. These dogs will need extensive grooming.
There are many other dogs out there that are child-friendly, but here is a list of twenty safe breeds to get you started. If you would like to find out more about these breeds and others that are safe/unsafe visit Dog Breed Info.