Tuesday 23 April 2013

Chinese helicopters violated Indian airspace: Reports.....

New Delhi/Srinagar: Even as the Armies of India and China on Tuesday held a second flag meeting over the recent PLA incursion into Ladakh, it has come to light that Chinese helicopters had also violated the Indian air space. 

As per reports, choppers belonging to the Chinese Army entered the Indian air space, hovered for a while and then flew back
The incident happened on April 15 – the day when a platoon of Chinese troops intruded 10 kilometres deep inside Indian territory in Ladakh and set up a tented post in Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) sector. 

The airspace violation is also reported to have taken place at Depsang in DBO sector. 

India has already raised the issue with China and held two flag meetings. 

China has denied that its troops intruded into the Indian territory.Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said yesterday that "China's frontier troops have been abiding by the agreement between the two countries and abiding by the LAC agreed by the two countries. 

"Our frontier troops have been patrolling on the China's side of LAC," Hua had said, adding, "Our troops are patrolling on the Chinese side of the LAC and have never trespassed the line". 

Defence Minister A K Antony had said yesterday that India will take "every step" to protect its interests to resolve the situation arising out of the incursion. 

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