Friday 15 February 2013

Facebook ‘sophisticatedly hacked’, but no data compromised...

Washington: Social networking giant Facebook has claimed that it was the target of hackers, but no user information was compromised during the attack.

The firm said in a blog post that last month, its security discovered that their systems had been targeted in a sophisticated attack.

The attack occurred when a handful of employees visited a mobile developer website that was compromised, Facebook added.

According to Fox News, the social network also said that ‘Facebook was not alone in this attack. It is clear that others were attacked and infiltrated recently as well.’

Facebook's announcement follows recent cyber attacks on other prominent websites.

Twitter, the microblogging social network, said this month that it had been hacked, and that approximately 250,000 user accounts were potentially compromised, with attackers gaining access to information including user names and email addresses. 

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