Monday 22 April 2013

Non-bailable warrant issued against Sanjay Dutt........

Non-bailable warrant issued against Sanjay Dutt
New Delhi: Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt is in trouble again. After getting a five-year sentence from the Supreme Court for his alleged involvement in the 1993 Mumbai blasts, the Andheri court on Monday issued a non-bailable warrant against the actor for threatening producer Shakeel Noorani.

According to Noorani, Dutt had signed a movie with him in 2002 but later backed out for some reasons. When the actor was asked to pay the signing amount and the losses incurred by the producer, Dutt simply refused and instead used his underworld contacts to threaten Noorani.

Earlier a lower court had issued summons to Dutt but he did not turn up.
In a turn of events, the court in Mumbai has now issued a non-bailable warrant against the actor who is already reeling under the Supreme Court’s verdict.

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