Thursday 18 April 2013

No breakthrough yet in Bangalore blast case: Shinde......

New Delhi: A day after a blast outside the BJP office in Bangalore left 16 people injured, Union Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde told reporters here that the investigations were underway but no breakthrough has been reached as yet. 

"No conclusions have been reached as yet in the case. Police are scanning the CCTV footage of the blast site... I assure the nation that we will book the culprits, the perpetrators of this attack," Shinde said. The Home Minister informed that the owner of the bike used in Wednesday's blast has been traced with the help of the Tamil Nadu police. 

As regards any specific intelligence input about the Bangalore blast, Shinde said the Centre had been issuing alerts for the past two to three months. 

"We had alerted state governments that attacks may happen where they had taken place earlier. We had also warned that metropolitan cities could be targeted. 

Shinde further said that they will have to "wait for the state government's report before handing over case to the National Investigation Agency (NIA)". 

He denied that the blast would affect the poll process in Karnataka. There is "no question of (the blast) derailing or affecting the election process," he added.

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