Thursday 28 March 2013

Unbelievable invention of Bheema's skeleton or Bhima's son Gadotkach like skeleton found: A hoax mail......

If you have received a mail claiming Bhima's son Gadotkach like skeleton found, or bheems’s skeleton found by the recent exploration of NatGeo team, then its completely a hoax mail, do not believe it.

Below are some pics circulated with the mail

The mails also claims an article by G. Subramaniam from Hindu voice that 
Recent exploration activity in the northern region of India uncovered the skeleton remains of a human of phenomenal size. This region of India is called the Empty Quarter. The discovery was made by National Geographic Team (India Division) with support of Indian Army since this area is under the jurisdiction of the army. The article also discusses about the Gods of Indian mythology, Brahma and also talks about the Pandavas, Bhima and his son Gadotkach…, Do you think this is real.., I think no, this is another email hoax.

What do you think about it, please leave your comment

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