Wednesday 27 March 2013

Chinese media criticises Apple customer-services.......

London: Chinese state-run media has launched a stinging attack on Apple by criticizing the tech giant’s customer-services.

An article in the People’s Daily accused Apple of an “empty and self-praising” response to an earlier critical report on the company by China’s state broadcaster.

The article was accompanied by a cartoon that showed a figure supposed to represent the US company saying: “Apple statement: empty,” the Telegraph reports.

Earlier this month CCTV, Beijing’s state broadcaster, screened a consumer rights programme which accused Apple of not replacing broken iPhones, but instead only fixing specific parts, to avoid giving customers a new warranty period.

China is Apple's fastest growing market and the second-largest after the US.

According to the paper, analysts said the attacks suggest that Beijing is considering doing more to encourage the growth of domestic smartphone companies and eat away at dominant foreign companies, such as Apple. 

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