Thursday 21 February 2013

Yahoo revamps website with a social networking touch........

New Delhi: Yahoo users can now manage their account with features familiar to social networking sites like Facebook, a news wire has reported. 

This is CEO Marissa Mayer's biggest product revamp since joining the company last year.

Yahoo Inc website overhaul allows users’ buttons like newsfeed and people's "likes" in line with Facebook. Users can log in with their Facebook IDs to gain access to content and information shared by friends - from articles and videos to birthdays.

Yahoo is one of the world's most-visited online properties, but revenue has declined in recent years amid competition from Google Inc and Facebook Inc.

The changes to Yahoo's Internet shop window, which include a more streamlined mobile application for smartphones and tablets, will be rolled out over coming days. The makeover follows a new version of Yahoo mail, one of its most popular applications, introduced in December

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