Sunday 17 February 2013


Indian hindu vedas

Indian Hindu Vedas

Rig veda, Yajur veda, Sama veda, Atharvana veda

‘Va idam Vedam’ – Veda means to know. What to know? As human beings, we need to know two things. 1. ‘iham’ – how to live when we are in the physical body. This relates to keeping our body and mind strong, spreading peace and love to our neighbors, strengthening the society by producing good children, working for others’ welfare, etc. 2. ‘param’ – how to live after leaving the physical body. This relates to working for spiritual growth so that the soul attains powers to reach higher worlds, getting help from gods, doing good to other souls etc. These two objectives are fulfilled by the knowledge embedded in Vedas. So Vedas are embodiment of knowledge. 

Indian Hindu Vedas

Rig veda, Yajur veda, Sama veda, Atharvana veda

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