Wednesday 20 February 2013

Rahul Gandhi asks Odisha Congress to revive fortunes....

Bhubaneswar: Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi met party leaders in Odisha Tuesday and asked them to suggest ways to revive the Congress's fortunes as it has been out of power in the state since 2000. 

A day after holding discussions with grassroot leaders at Sambalpur town in western Odisha, the 42-year-old leader met local party functionaries from the coastal belt at Cuttack city. 

"He held discussions with a large number of local leaders," a Congress leader told a news agency. 

"He asked us why the party was out of power for such a long period and what measures are required to bring it back to power," the Congress leader said. 

This is the first time that Rahul Gandhi visited the state after assuming charge as Congress vice president. He arrived at Sambalpur Monday and spent the night there. 

The Congress has been sitting in the opposition in the state since 2000. In recent months, it has intensified organisational and political activities across Odisha. 

Rahul Gandhi's visit to the state is seen as an attempt to infuse fresh vigour in the beleaguered party. 

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