Thursday 18 July 2013


Dhoni's Best friend, Santosh lal who was fighting
with pancreatitis has passed away..!!

Dhoni made all arrangements for his Treatment
though he was out on theTour !


Sadly, he's no more. :(

The inventor of Helicopter Shot is no more.!!! :(

Yes MSD learnt Helicopter Shot from his Best
Friend Santosh..

Rest in Peace Santosh lal..

post by Revanth 

Tuesday 16 July 2013


WHAT IS AADHAR.......???????


This drug authentication service to test medicine is provided by PharmaSecure, a global innovator in drug authentication technologies and software. It provides three ways to check the authentication of specific, quality drugs:

1) వెబ్ సైట్లో మందుల పెట్టెపై నున్న అథెంటికేషన్ కోడ్ ని ఎంటర్ చేసి మందు తాలూకు వివరాలు కనుక్కోవచ్చు.

2) SMS ద్వారా : అదే అథెంటికేషన్ కోడ్ ( ఆల్పాన్యుమరిక్ గా వుంటుంది) 9901099010 నంబరుకు sms చెస్తే, కొద్దిసేపట్లోనే మీ మెడిసిన్ అసలైనదైతే దాని తాలూకూ బాచ్ నంబరు, ఫార్మాకంపనీ పేరు వస్తాయి. మన దగ్గర వున్న ఆ వివరాలతో వాటిని సరిచూసుకోవాలి అవి ఒకేలా వున్నాయంటే మనం కొన్న మందు సరైనదే అని అర్ధం. ఈ కోడ్ 8 నుంచి 10 డిజిట్లను కలిగి వుంటుంది. over-the-counter (OTC) medicines విషయంలో ఈ పరిక్షబాగా ఉపయోగపడుతుంది.

3) +91 9901099010 నంబరుకు సరాసరి కాల్ చెయ్యటం ద్వారా కూడా ఈ విషయాన్ని ధృవీకరించుకోవచ్చు. ఫార్మా సెక్యూర్ ఏజంట్ ఈ నంబరులో మీతో సరాసరి కావలసిన వివరాలు అందిస్తారు.
సోమవారం నుండి శుక్రవారం వరకూ : 7am - 11pm
శని ఆది వారాలలో : 9am - 6pm

ఇది భూటకపు ప్రచారం కాదు నిర్దారింపబడిన నిజమే అనేది ఇక్కడ కూడా పరిశీలించ వచ్చు (
Health/drug-authentication-check.html )

Sunday 14 July 2013

Thursday 4 July 2013

Very Important & Useful full forms

Very Important & Useful full forms: 

ADIDAS- All Day I Dream AboutSports
AUDI-Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt
BMW- Baverian Motor Works
AMW- Asian Motor Works
GOOGLE- Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language of Earth
CNN-IBN- Cable News Network-Indian Broadcasting Network
VVS Laxman- Vengipurapu Venkata Sai Laxman
APJ Abdul Kalam- Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
MDH(Massala)- Mahashian Di Hatti
ISCON- International Society for Krishna Consciousness
LASER- Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
i.e- id est (that is)
INTEL- Integrated Electronics
CMYK- Cyan Magenta Yellow Kinda(Black)
JPEG- Joint Photography Expert Group
EMI- Equated Monthly Instalments
WIPRO- Western Indian Products
DNA- Deoxy-ribo Nucleic Acid
CBI- Central Bureau of Investigation
CAT- Common Admissiom Test
ATM- Automated Teller Machine
ISI- Indian Standard Institute
IPI- International Press Institute
AT&T- American telegraphic and Telephone Co. Ltd.
ICICI- Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
IDBI- Industrial Development Bank of India
FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation
HDFC- Housing Development Finance Corporation
VIRUS- Vital Information Resources Under Siege
OBC- Other Backward Classes
MPEG- Motion Picture Experts Groups
NAAC- National Assesment and Accreditation
PSLV- Polar Satelite Launch Vehicle
RADAR- Radio Detecting and Ranging
RDX- Research Department Explosive
MRF- Madras Rubber Factory
LML- Lohia Machines Limited
STD- Subscriber Trunk Dialling
TOEFL- Test of English as a Foreign Language
SENSEX- Sensitivity Index(of share price)
URL- Uniform Resource Locator
TVS- T.V Sundaram(Co-Founder)
BBC-British Broadcasting Corporation

Saturday 15 June 2013


A very rare photo of a peacock in flight

Owl Spreading its Wings.

Wonderful  !!!

join us ::: @[449053418449191:274:Amazing Photos in the World]

Friday 14 June 2013

childhood pics of heroes...

amazing facts

1)Residents of a Small outback Australian town have been left speechless after fish began falling from the sky.

She said: 'These fish fell in their hundreds and hundreds all over the place. The locals were running around everywhere picking them up.

'The fish were all alive when they hit the ground so they would have been alive when they were up there flying around the sky.

'But no, I haven't lost my marbles. All I can say is that I'm thankful that it didn't rain crocodiles'

Meteorologists say the incident was probably caused by a tornado. It is common for tornado's to suck up water and fish from rivers and drop them hundreds of miles away.